Catching up on a sketch line or a point from one plane to another

Hi all 

I have a problem with Inventor 2016 pro version student license. When I draw a 3D sketch, and I want to come and catch a sketch of another plan, he can't do it... no matter the type of milk. The same goes for the points. It's as if they didn't exist.

Another example. Cylindrical part with a shoulder, on which I want to create a rib: Impossible to catch the surfaces in sketch. 

Another example: small extrusion to draw a cube. Once I have my cube, I want to add a growth on one of the faces. I select my face, I start to trace, but I want to take myself back to the corner of the already existing room. But impossible, it's as if the cube didn't exist. 

The machine runs very well (12GB of ram, patatit patata) and I do it without problems on my other (laptop) computer equipped with the same software. 


What are your opinions on my problem? Thank you in advance. 


Have a nice day 


I don't know Inventor but in the options; There is nothing to select the types of hooks???

Hello, do you have the problem only in 3d sketching or also in 2d?

Do you project the geometry or cut edges or do you make your dimension live on your edges or hook points?

In 3D and 2D...  

The sketch for the rib on a revolution is a concrete example of this...  


"AC Cobra 247": if I think there's something like this and I've been looking for a while now...  


See if it can help you...

Do a first test on a volume (cube for example) with a 2d sketch on the axis of the volume and have the cut edges projected (your cut edges should appear in another color)

Second test: in Application Options, Sketch tab: check the 2 boxes Automatically project edge ....  and the edges ...; In the Part tab, check Enable 3D handles. Repeat the sketch test through the cube, then on a face.

If that doesn't work, test by selecting project geometry and select your edges (or points) to project

test also by projecting one of the lines of your basic sketch...

(in 3D selected project in 3D sketch)

Last solution I see for the moment: repairing Inventor with the installation software.

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See if your graphics card is recognized

I have already had this problem with some PC with another log


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It worked. it was really stupid actually...  


Thank you Lolobyo, thank you all.