Re-orientation of the sketch plan

Hello team.

A bit of a beta question but one that is starting to seriously annoy me! How do you re-orient a sketch plan?

Let me explain: when I created my coin, I had put engravings on one of the sides of the coin (logical until then) ... Except that in the end, I want the same on the opposite side. So I right-click, select a new shot: and it's drama! My engraving does change plane but remains in the initial orientation. So I have a " fake " engraving and I don't understand how to put it back in the right way


Wouldn't it be better to make a symmetry by a plane or a rotation by an axis depending on the result you want to have?

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Hi @coin37coin ,
I use plans for my engravings with blocks that are positioned by the origin. And if it's reversed, I change the normal of my plan with the " Normal inversion" function:

The problem with selecting a face is that you don't control the orientation of the sketch...

In your case, if you go through a plane, you can use as a starting point for the face extrusion:



If it's sketch text, there's the " Invert " command:

by editing your text.

Kind regards.

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Nop @ac_cobra_427 . It can work, but I like to avoid it. I would have to do a "phantom" function and then the symmetrical one. I don't like the symmetry function and I don't like the "useless" functions... I am quite a proponent of the lightest possible building trees. We all have our hobbies :slight_smile:

@Nicolas74, I remember the tip for the initial plan. But it's still a shame that it's not possible to do it from the sketch directly. Especially since keeping the original orientation doesn't make sense in the room :rofl:

@Maclane ... To make it really simple, we made blocks. So it doesn't work^^

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Maybe I have another lead... You can symmetrize your block by going through Tools/Sketching Tools/Symmetry??
Keep me informed :slightly_smiling_face:

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As I said earlier... I avoid symmetry as much as possible. It's really not something I like. At this rate, I like to copy my block and paste it into a new sketch well oriented xd

On the other hand, I was inspired by what you proposed. I've moved my sketch plane to a create plane, then reverse the orientation of the plane and move the start of the feature to the face. It works pretty well. So, thanks for the tips!

I leave the post a little open, sometimes others is another way to do it and then I close at the end of the day.


Totally agree, boo... symmetries suck! :-1: :+1:
At least the management that solidworks does of it...


Yes I'm the same with symmetries... On the other hand, the fact of symmetrizing the block with the sketching tool is only a symmetry at a "T " time ! So no function, no history and no problem!

This is a trick I've used for my blocks before, and it's really interesting when you want to have a block flipped.

Especially since the block is always identical and editable in the same way!
