Create a SolidWorks Learning Site

A question that is a little on the fringes of the use of CAD software.
I had created a website for my trainees to learn the basics of SolidWorks:

The problem is that the software used to make it (WebAccappela V3) uses Flash technology which  will soon be obsolete in most internet browsers (Google Chrome).

I plan to remake a site using the same process, i.e. step-by-step  learning sequences based on scrolling images.
Could someone advise me on which software or support (WordPress, Joomla,...) I can make a site in the same spirit as the previous one.
The condition is to be able to manage a lot of files (pages, images) and to be able to scroll through a sequence of images.
Thank you for your help,




Wordpress is to my taste easier to manage than Joomla.

On the other hand, Joomla is more powerful and faster.

After all, it differs depending on your knowledge of web development.

If it is close to 0 I strongly recommend Wordpress which is much more used and includes a larger base of mutual aid.

In addition, you have many existing plugins, a large part of which is free.

For having used the 2 I prefer wordpress for its easy side. On the other hand, it is true that the web display can be slower.

For the practical side, the 2 can theoretically do the trick for your request.


On the other hand, if you're at free and you stay there, I think Joomla doesn't work.

For wordpress it was the same thing 2-3 years ago but I think that the free personal pages policy has evolved since then and that wordpress is installable now (to check if for joomla it's the same thing or not)


Hello Alain

I previously used a private channel on youtube, the code is only provided to certain people.

The content is made with CAMTASIA + Greenshot (or SNAGIT 10 but I don't like) and powerpoint (full integrated) for some static screenshots.

I made a tutorial for Lyncoa, remember but with  synthetic voices that made you react because they were weird. But we can do the comments with real voices live. I even gave a presentation with CAMTASIA of a complete mechanical system for training and maintenance.

Camtasia is one of the best products for making sophisticated stuff,  but it is still within the reach of any normal person. In addition, you have a lot of assets available for free or available on subscription.

For someone gifted like you it's "fingers in the noze" ;-) ;-)

Kind regards


Hello Zozo_mp,
Thank you for your help. I know CANTASIA and I think we had already talked about it together.
But that's not what I'm looking for here. I need to redo a complete Responsive website with the same characteristics as the old one, i.e. to have an image carousel as well as a good content manager (pages and images). The software I used suited me well but, using Flash technology, my site is now obsolete. So I ask those who have experience on the matter if a similar Wordpress version exists. I have a hard time getting an idea because there are a lot of themes on offer and  it's difficult if some of them can suit me.

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Go to Wordpress it's the easiest, choose a theme that suits you (responsive type, horizontal or vertical menu... knowing that it can be customized afterwards for the most part) If possible stay on a wordpress theme (they are updated regularly without breaking everything).

And then when you like the look, attack the layout, then your gallery (native with slideshow: or  more evolved carousel (multitude of carousel available as a plugin:

For your information, a wordpress plugin is the equivalent of a google chrome extension, so nothing could be easier to install and test.


The most difficult thing is to adapt the theme to your desire.

And above all, don't go with the idea of making a strict copy of your old site (at least in terms of look) for the content, no worries.


Thank you @sbadenis for your help.
In fact, I don't think it's a carousel that I'm looking for, but rather the mode where I have an image that enlarges to be easy to read and have arrows to move forward or backward. I don't know if you know what I mean and if it has a name.

If the term carousel is the right one for me (or slider variant), then there are plenty of them so you can test the one that suits you best (don't hesitate to install the plugin and then uninstall it if it doesn't suit you)

Example plugin:


Thank you @sbadenis,
I think that's what sliders are.
I'll try to test them

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