Looking for a student in industrial design on CAD or autocad


I am looking for an industrial design student with CAD or AutoCAD software to make my part drawings in the Paris region. 

Financial compensation for the work done


Thank you



Such announcements  should not be posted in the forum.

A group is planned for this purpose: http://www.lynkoa.com/groupes/postes-cao-pourvoir

I think you will have to detail: Software requested, duration...


It seems to me to be very illegal.

This means that the intern will have to provide industrial work with a student license => totally outside the law !


I'm not looking for an intern but a student who wants to make a little money to make me an industrial design on CAD because I don't know this software! 

If YOU own the software, there are no worries and I invite you to post the announcement on the link provided by @Remrem.

Although well, the ethical side of the thing leaves me perplexed. Especially since the student is a student: he will know how to help you out... But good luck if you have some rework to do in the future.


On the other hand, if you don't own the software and rely on the student to provide it, you could be subject to serious criminal prosecution. Indeed, three choices are available to you:

1) It legally owns an industri version, no problems for you. But given the price of the software, he is well off and probably won't look for a small job.

2) He owns it legally, but it's the student version (well for Autocad, I'm not sure if it's still done?). The student version is made so that students can train on it... it does not give access to all the options. And above all, it does not allow for monastic work. (if you are checked one day, you will have to provide proof that you have owned this license)


3) The student owns a pro version ... It will surely be hacked. A heavy fine will then show up as well as arrears. Don't think that it only happens to others, I've seen it twice in my short career! One of the two companies had to close its doors because it could not afford the amount of the fine




Agree with my comrades. And if you have the software, indicate which one, you will better target your request! Note that your request is confusing "I am looking for an industrial design student with CAD or autocad software".

Another point, if your request is serious (legal), it is not only a student who can respond to it: a self-employed person can also do it for example.

Kind regards


Because you really think that Lynkoa challenges are only made with non-pirated software!

So I'll be wary of the consequences that this could have for Lynkoa...


That said, to come back to the subject,  it's a very borderline request.


Personally, the challenge I do on my lunch break at work. So it's not pirated (on the other hand, hello the embezzlement of social assets^^)