Reconnection of the base station after changing PCs


I just changed my PC and apparently SolidWorks PDM doesn't work anymore! When I try to enter a view I get the message: No database is connected to this view?

What do I need to do to reconnect this poor base?

Thank you


Watch by HERE.

Kind regards

Thank you for your feedback, but I can't find the answer to my problem.

I already know how to create views, my problem is not to destroy them and recreate them but simply to be able to continue using the ones I had already created.

Indeed, I will eventually have to explain to all my users how to do the manipulation...

Olive tree


I read that you just changed your PC but did the views you had already created already work on this "new" PC?

Kind regards


No, I changed my pc on Friday and as soon as I tried to enter a view I got this message. Changing PCs is something that happens very often, and so I want to understand the problem because I'm going to have to answer questions from about 100 users shortly.



So,  in my opinion, you should delete and then recreate the views using the EPDM view configuration wizard (this one does not only create a shortcut to the vault but probably needs to intervene in the registry and other places in Windows).

Kind regards

Absolutely, this is also my conclusion.

That said, I think this is a flaw of the SolidWorks PDM tool. This is because it can take a long time to recreate the views, especially if there are local library updates. As if that's all we had to do...

Anyway, thank you for your help, you can close the ticket.

It's not up to me to close the ticket (which I can't do since I'm just a member of the forum) but it's up to you to validate the answer that helped you the most...

Kind regards