Defective reconstruction of an SW19 assembly



I left on Friday evening with a relieved mind with a clean assembly without any assembly defects. Nothing corrupted, yellow or red. This morning, I open the same blend (and I'm sure no one touched it during the weekend) and there it is, it's the berezina. Red, yellow everywhere, the blend is no longer good.

I tried a Ctrl + Q in the main assembly, I re-opened each subassembly, redid a Ctrl + Q, nothing helps. I only observe my errors in the main assembly while in each sub-assembly everything is clean.

What can I do to avoid having this problem every time I re-open my assemblies?

Thank you


The joy of flexible assembly!

Remove the flexibility and then put it back on.

Too much flexible assembly often leads to this result. It's not really SW's specialty


It's true that I've already observed this kind of phenomenon... When I switch from flexible -> Rigid -> Flexible, it often solves a number of problems. Also, when some sub-assemblies are under stress (by mistake) it is also conducive to reconstruction errors...