Rebuilding a surface with SolidWorks Premium?


I am an internship student and I am facing a problem.

I'm not sure how to completely reconstruct the surface of an object from a mesh!

Could you tell me about the different steps?

Thank you!



If I understood correctly, you were given a piece to draw in surface and you only have an stl file or other?


More information is needed

What data do you have

a screenshot please




I don't know too much about meshing but here is the section about them in the Solidworks help.

Hello Here is the Solidworks help topic about importing a mesh surface, I think it's pretty self-explanatory
Or there's a tutorial here: Note you need to activate the "scan To 3d" add-on
Enable Scan to 3d in the tools menu > add-ins, more info:

Yes, I have an STL file and I need to rebuild the surface! 

I also don't know what the curve assistant is for!


Yes, I have an STL file and I need to rebuild the surface! 

I also don't know what the curve assistant is for!

I think my 3 answers answer the problem

I don't have a problem importing!

In fact, I used the surface assistant to extract the surfaces (manually, by revolution recognition etc), the problem is that I can't extract them all in this way. Once I exit the wizard, do I have to create planes for the unextracted surfaces and enter the sketch and then use tools like "filled surface"?

The curve assistant allows you to extract the intersection of surfaces?

What is the purpose of the manipulation?

When importing, you choose either volume or surface.

What surfaces are wrong?

When you import in surface, and with an import diagnosis, after repair, sw rebuilds a volume....

So if you can give more info on the PB.


On the other hand, I can't activate the surface assistant on your part...


I have to rebuild the surface of this mesh to make a drawing afterwards!

I don't really see when you choose when importing wanted or surface. I do "file", "open", "mesh file" and I find my file! I'm sorry, I'm really new so this must seem basic to you.

When I use the surface wizard, I can't make the plan that contains the holes, when I do, it fills the holes I feel!

When I right-click on the mesh icon, the surface wizard is offered!

I specify that I have a trial version of Solidworks premium so maybe not all the options are in it!

If the part to be redesigned is this one (see photos)


You will have to redraw it more quickly in volume.

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If the part to be redesigned is this one (see photos)


You will have to redraw it more quickly in volume.

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The problem is that I don't know how to rebuild in volume!

You mean, using boss/extrusion, chamfer?

It would also be for this type of mesh!


For your first file, the flange: the simplest, as sw agrees to open the stl directly.

- So you choose the type of file to open: stl

- in the options: you have volume / surface / graphic body

This allows you to go faster than starting from the mesh and sewing the surfaces.

Just for the record, it's also in the links provided by  PL.

And as bart indicated: the fastest for the flange would perhaps be to redraw it cleanly in 3d directly. But maybe it's to get the hang of it...

On the other hand, for the second file, you have to go through the mesh file. But since I don't know much about cleaning for extraction, you have to ask the experts... maybe your internship tutor?!