Retrieving Mass Property via Integration


I hope I'm in the right place to ask my question.

We use SW2015. We need to retrieve the mass properties of all assemblies (more than 8000 files). We tried to go through the Integration module by creating a report in which we add <FileName>; $SW-Mass.

For the filename, this works fine, but the mass property is not replaced by its value.

Is there a problem in the definition of ownership? Anyone have an idea?

Thank you very much


Isn't it "SW-Mass" instead of "$SW-Mass"?

The example is $NomPropri summer, so I guess there's the $ character

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And is it sure that we use the semicolon?

By trying with & at the palce for example?



You have to write this: "SW-Mass@@PART" with the quotation marks in Integration.



I just tried your proposals but it doesn't work. The property is not replaced by its value.

I put screenprints for you to better understand my problem. There is surely a clerical error...


Here is the result in the report file


To be clear, I would like that when typing the code:


I recover:

ETMA852; 3,254

(where ETMA825 is the file name and 3.254 is the weight)

Do you want to recover the value of an existing property in your assemblies?

I understood that you wanted to create on each assembly the mass value in the properties.

So what action do you use in Integration?




Try the name of your property and not its value, so for example $Masse whose value is "SW-Mass@@PART".



Otherwise I think it would be easier to use SmartBom rather than integration.

There you can make a TXT or XLS or XMT...


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Exact, good idea. It works very well.

Thank you