Retrieving a sketch in a drawing and displaying a mixed line in another color


In a drawing, I got a sketch of a 3D, which is nothing more than the centerline of a formed tube.

I would like this sketch to appear in mixed strokes and in blue.

How to proceed?

Thank you


Just select the sketch and at the top there  is an icon with a brush and small rainbow; You click on it and select your blue color the turn and played and  next to it you change the strokes.

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Here's a file that shows the icons

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Sorry but I don't see anything like that.

When I select the composite curve that I displayed on my drawing, the options for changing the sketch style are grayed out.



In reality, I have the impression that the "couleurs_et_styles_de_trait" are not accessible when it comes to acting on composite curves... It works very well on sketches though.



Ah, I understood why it doesn't work for you. In fact you don't have to display your sketch but create the axis with the 6th icon from the bottom left of my prints screens and there you can have your axis as you wish.

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Good evening

If your problem only occurs on composite curves then try adjusting the spline like this

==> Tools==> Splines==> adjust splines.

Curiously enough, SW speaks of Splines, even in the case of composite curves typically consisting of an arc and a straight line. It's just a question of vocabulary.

Tell us whether or not this solution solves your PB.

Kind regards


No, that doesn't work either. I can't even select the curve in question on my drawing when this feature is selected.

Kind regards

However, with me it works very well with sketches. See PJ under Solidworks 2016. I just clicked on the sketch stroke and applied the changes via the line format tool.

On simple shapes, it's ok ...

I have to make complex paths more often. Here is an "extreme" example attached. I have brought up the composite curve in drawing. The idea would be to make it visible when printed in mixed lines and in another color.

Usually, the paths are simpler with 3D straight and curved lines to make a formed tube (the goal being to make armored resistor, as you can see on this site:

Dsl, I can't open because made with a version higher than 2016.

Indeed, it's the 2020 version...

Could you make me a WWTP and I'll see what I can do?

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