Retrieving Cartoonist Name in MEP

Hi all

I'm in the process of setting up solidworks, I'd like to know if it's possible to automatically retrieve the name of the designer (Via uilsateur window for example) Currently when I put the author property nothing appears.

SW2016 Premium Version

Thank you for your answers


I haven't turned on my PC yet but if you put owner it should work... We forced ourselves this information in the MEPs, everyone has their own background plans locally  This way it's automatically filled in when creating it and we only manually fill in the author of a modification...

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See my tutorials on properties:

And use a properties form with the names of all the cartoonists in the list



Personally I use custom properties, there is an editor that allows you to have an easily configurable form. It allows you to choose which info is automatically set and which ones to choose from a list, checkboxes, and you even have a calendar for the date.

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Thank you for your answers,  thank you to ac cobra 427 for its solution but the goal is that we all have the same basemap and part model for the whole BE. For the feedback of alain ERP and a.leblanc, I have already explored these solutions with the presonalized properties + property editor which makes the entry more user-friendly, on this form there is a "function" [SW-Author]" only when I enter this property I have no feedback, I think there is a field one fill in for each PC (1 user/PC) so that the name of the cartoonist falls automatically in the MEP. The goal is to avoid choice lists to have as little typing and clicking as possible.

A short switch to EPDM (plan the license budget and the time needed for the configuration though) and that's it :-)

You get the name of the creator, the verifier, the approver, the captain .... in your drawing with the date of creation / verification / approval ...


It seems to me that the [SW-Author] property calls the Windows property [Authors] which has nothing to do with the name of the PC or the user, it is the one generally used on music files for example. The Windows property you are looking for is either [Computer] or [Owner] but which to my knowledge are not part of the properties recoverable by SW (see

Kind regards

Good evening

The author property is a field of file properties to be entered by hand.

The only one that contains an automatic name is the "SW-Last Saved By" property link. On the other hand, it takes the name of login so let's see if it corresponds to the need.

After that, there is the possibility of providing a small vba macro that transforms the connection name into a full name. You have to use the windows environment variables.

Public Function UserName()
    UserName = Environ$("UserName")   
    For j = 0 To Ubound(sFullname)
        If UserName = sUsername(j) Then
            UserName = sFullName(j)
        End If
    Next j
End Function

Sub USerList()
sFullName(0) = "xxx": sFullName(1) = "yyy": sFullName(2) = "zzz"

sUsername(0) = "userxxx": sUsername(1) = "useryyy": sUsername(2) = "userzzz"

End Sub

Sub main()
Call USerList
'Ecrire le reste du code
End Sub


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Be careful, the "SW-Last Saved By" property returns, as its name suggests, the login of the last person to have saved the file, which is not necessarily the creator of the file, especially during a revision.

Kind regards

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1. AUTOMATIC: As said above, if you have EPDM you can do it (That's how we work)

2. AUTOMATIC: If you have MyCADService, you can do that too (By retrieving the Windows username automatically)

3. MANUAL: As said above, using a VBA macro

4. MANUAL: Also as said above, have a list in the properties customized with the list of draftsmen.

5. MANUAL: Manually Fill in Username (Not Great)


I have put in order what I find from the most practical to the least practical. (After that, it's sure that if you don't have EPDM and MyCADService it's more annoying.

But I still believe that this is a property that lacks a basis for SolidWorks.


The only thing I found that works automatically is the last recording by:

$PRP:"SW-Last Saved By"