Retrieve sheet metal thickness in property editor

Good evening

I just set up our custom properties using the "property tab builder" tool included in Solidworks (very handy!).

Can we easily recover the "thickness" property of sheet metal parts, they present 80% of our parts.

I haven't found anything convincing on the net.

Thank you in advance for taking an interest in my little pb.


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Look here you may have the beginning of an answer.

May the force be with you.



See this link among others

Yes, you have two choices.


Or, from your property menu you click on the thickness dimension (it appears if you click on the function first)


Either you name it in the field "epaisseur@Tôlerie 1" if your function is called Sheet Metal 1 (which is usually the case) or with the name of the function that is fine. For example, if you want it to indicate Sheet thickness 3 for a thickness of 3, you put Sheet metal thickness "epaisseur@Tôlerie 1"

Be careful, the "" are important!


Otherwise if you have the smartproperties you have the property referenced "Sheet metal thickness"

Otherwise the solution of coin37coin works very well, I used it for a long time before replacing it with the one of smartproperties.

On the other hand, if you have the misfortune of having a part with sheet metal2, you have to rename it to sheet metal1 so that it marks the thickness

EDIT: Be careful with the 1st version this coin37coin which works very well for sheet metal parts made since SW2013 or 14 I don't know anymore but not before.

They are recognizable because the sheet metal function 1 or 2 is included in a sheet metal folder and not the one made before this version and therefore the Epaisseur@Tôlerie property only works with this folder.

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@sbadenis, I'm in Sldw11 (Woe!) and it works very well ... and there is not a sheet metal "folder" in my construction tree.

You must have been cheated by your colleagues in the past;)

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Hi fifounet,

Otherwise, you use the "Thickness" variable which is created as soon as a part is  sheet metal (which also gives access to the "Link to thickness" option in extrusions!).

You create a "Thickness" property with the value "Thickness".

In your drawing, you create a note that fetches this variable. (that you can put in your cartridges)

All this in the picture below.


No worries coin37coin I don't know exactly the problem but since 2014 we were in 2012 before, we had a problem to recover the thickness with one of your 2 ways I don't know which one didn't work anymore on the new part (with a backrest).

Otherwise Benoit.LF's solution works well, it seemed to me that it was a problem in some cases but no matter how much I tried it I can't find which one, the bug may be corrected or I can't identify it anymore

Edit: I found thanks to the axemble support the property it even worked very well it's just that I couldn't concatenate it with the bend radius (solidworks bug impossible to concatenate the thickness property under sw2014)

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I don't know if it can help you but here is what we have set up in our BE:

  • all the "dishes" that make up my pieces (single body or multi body parts);  we transform them into sheet metal.

As each dish has become a sheet metal, Solidworks automatically adds  sheet metal properties for each of the bodies:

In addition to the custom properties on the part (I use Smartproperties), we pass new smartproperties on all the bodies of my room:

Each body is renamed (File Name+P01, etc......)  

We also collect the number of plies, the thickness, the flow rate (concatenation of length and width of the sheet side, etc.)

All this information is therefore found in a table (table of list of welded parts) in the drawing:

we also retrieve this information from the bills of materials (via the SmartBOM utility):



I just found this

A macro to retrieve sheet metal thickness in a drawing

See this link

Look at this it suits you

Thank you all for your enlightenment,

Not having Smart properties, the Coin coin solution suits me well since this morning that I have been using it.

Hello special to Benoit and Frédéric, my former brothers in arms.

See you soon surely