Retrieve the dimensions of the parts that make up an assembly in an excel file

Hello everyone,

I am looking for an automated method to retrieve the dimensions of the parts that make up an assembly.

My assemblies are typically composed of 10 to 30 parts per assembly and I use SolidWorks 2018.

I tried to look at bounding boxes, which could be a solution, but how to automate and how to retrieve these dimensions in an excel or csv file?

Thanks in advance


By exporting the BOM of your assembly to Excel it should work.

Hello and thank you ac cobra 427,

On the other hand , I don't know how to create a bill of materials with the dimensions of the part.

Is there a tutorial or info somewhere, to get there?

I may have done it wrong but I couldn't find anything on the net in nomenclature with part size.

You have to create a specific property to the configuration (dimensions) and fill in manually or automatically via links that will automatically send you to the BOM that you have adapted.

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Here is a link to a tutorial to link the dimensions of the room to the property. The principle is the same, just select the sides of your plate.

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Thanks to ac cobra 427, I'll look in this direction, but isn't there a more automated way, by vba for example because I have to go back to about fifty assemblies to get the sides of each part out of it by assembly.

And I don't want to go looking for all the dimensions of each part for each assembly.

Is there a way to do that?



Look HERE to see if it's right for you.

Kind regards

Good evening and thank you d.roger,

I downloaded your software which seems perfect for what I have to do, on the other hand I have an error when I launch it.

I'm attaching the error message, you'll certainly know what's wrong.


Good evening

You have Solidworks 2018 but on which Windows environment because there is obviously a compatibility problem between 32 bits and 64 bits, see HERE.

Kind regards

I have a w10 in 64 bit and a solidworks 2018 version in 64 bit

What do you advise me to uninstall solidworks and reinstall it, as in the link you provided me.

On the other hand, I apparently have the two versions which are in 64 bit.

If Windows and Solidworks are in 64 bits then no need to uninstall and then reinstall, the compatibility problem comes from elsewhere and there it is longer and more complicated to find, the solution of ac cobra 427 may be faster especially since I don't have too much time to look at it at the moment.

Kind regards

Ok and thank you d.roger

It's a shame because your software seemed to be perfect for what I had to do.

Otherwise would it be possible to use the bounding boxes with vba to automate the operation, I get by in vba under excel but I have never used it under solidworks, however I am ready to try.

Even if I'm going to struggle because I don't know anything about Solidworks commands.

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