Well here is my question is asked, on the other hand I have already done as in the smart tutorial, Property of the referenced document, I followed to the letter what it was done but it doesn't work for me,
I created a slap in the face and I can't take the properties I create with smart except the one of the system!
For your information I have created a standard format for my "part" and a standard format for my "MEP"
And otherwise yes the part has been inserted, but when creating my standard drawing no there is no room and when I link my property, once I click on ok, my "note is blank, there is nothing in it.
Mr. Anger, OK okay but when you create your note related to the property, before going to look for your property in the drop-down menu, did you choose the line "Model in the view specified in Sheet Properties"?
If this is the case, the part is inserted in the drawing and the property is filled in in the room, it must work.
just to check that SmartProperties is well used/configured, I would already check the creation of a property manually on the PRT, as well as its value; then create a note with the link of the part property,
See the screenshot to make the link (and use the custom properties file)
The text values you need to enter: Draftsman, supplier code, etc. are all empty and therefore worthless.
That's why your rating doesn't work.
These elements must be filled in. First of all, try to fill them in without going through Smart Properties to avoid problems with the configuration of the latter. Type a text in this value using the part properties.
If it works, make it happen with Smart Properties.
rmorel and Lucas Prieur, as I told you, these are "type - .prtdot" files so empty at creation, but there is only the machinetotal property that is not displayed in the cartridge, otherwise all the others are displayed.
I just did the test (in 2014 since the models are in 2014) just now with your models.
In your basemap there is no note that retrieves your "MachineTotal" property
If I create a note related to the "MachineTotal" property and insert a part from your part model or I manually filled in the Total Machine property, there is no problem, I get the value of the property back.