Redefine the reference planes of an imported part in STEP format

I would like to flip the part over and thus modify the origin from top to bottom (for example)  when I open or import an existing part as a STEP file.

I've searched for several things but when I click for example on front and normal to, the part is still in the import origin.

Thank you in advance for your help.


To try:

Kind regards



I proceed in this way:


No better than @ D.Roger,AC Cobra's solution



A third solution would be to open a new assembly, insert the part in question, reposition it, and save it as .prt.


I proceed more in the same way as PhilippeB in order to have a clean file.


Same, method of "body displacement".

I prefer to keep the displacement functions (especially with the customer's products), sometimes the original origin can be interesting to replace another part (typical case of sets where all the parts are modeled with the same origin).

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The goal for the moment was to recover the shape of a part if possible in the right direction (which was not the case) and to create a shaped tool (milling cutter). Everything was already done, but with the tool upside down, you have to turn everything constantly and be very attentive in the mirrors of the import of the outline so as not to make a mistake, hence my request.

The advantage of this method is to have a compliant and error-free tool. In addition, you can come and check with the stress assembly of the part and the tool  if everything agrees because you always make some changes to the cutter. Before, I worked it in the same way but under another 2D software with DXF import, etc...

Anyway, I thank you all for your answers, it's great and it's kept me moving forward.

FYI I used the Move/Copy Bodies method 

" with the tool upside down, you have to turn everything constantly ", no agree, you have to turn only the screen:)

OK, I'm going out!!!!!!!


Same, I do like PhilippeB, it's simple, fast and the part is perfect.