Resizing in units (cm, mm) rather than scale factor?

Is it possible to resize a sketch, or even a body, to for example 11cm wide instead of a factor of 0.512 which will only give an approximate but not exact value?


For my part, it is preferable to leave in "mm for the 3D" then for the drawing modify the dimension in cm.

But I advise you to leave in mm

Hello @A.R 

I think I expressed myself badly. It's not for a MEP.

I import the dxf of a typography to extrude it. The sketch is then a certain width (let's say 20cm). To bring the sketch back to 11cm wide, I go through "Sketch>Move entities>Scale entities". Except that I can only set a scale factor that will bring my sketch to a width of 11.012cm. But I want it to be exactly 11cm.

Hence my question, how do I tell him "resize (while keeping the H/W ratio) my sketch to 11cm"?

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Typically, SolidWorks accepts mathematical expressions in digital data acquisition boxes.
If the reference dimension of your original is e.g. 20.73, simply enter the expression 11/20.73 as the scale factor in the "Scale entities" function.


Indeed @m.blt it works. I should have thought of it... Thank you!

I remain open to other proposals, because this solution is not without constraints, such as having to apply dimensions to know the size of the sketch, or with values with extended decimals.

Maybe a macro to create?

PS: While waiting for better, I mark your answer as the best @m.blt