Missing ref for adding tapping in toolbox

Hello @ all

I search in vain 
for M30x1.5
the minimum thread diameter
and minimum thread inner diameter
To be able to add this thread to the toolbox tapped holes
if I don't have this data he doesn't want to add anything


thank you in advance

@+ ;-)


For M30x1.5 (with 6H/6h tolerance):

Minimum thread diameter = 28,323mm
Minimum Thread Inner Diameter = 28,376mm

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thank you @ PhilippeB

I have the vague impression that in the data configuration of threads threads threads Toolbox

that he uses

Outdoors Minor Dia Max  so 6g/4g6g for Mini Thread Diameter

internally Mini Dia min so ref 6h for Minimum inner diameter of thread

See attached copy

to compare would you have the values for

M 30x2


thank you in advance

@+ ;-)


For M30x3.5 :

Minimum thread diameter = 26.158mm
Minimum Thread Inner Diameter = 26,211mm

For M30x2 :

Minimum Thread Diameter = 27,797mm
Minimum Thread Inner Diameter = 27,835mm

Correction for the M30x1.5 :

Minimum thread diameter = 28,344mm
Minimum Thread Inner Diameter = 28,376mm

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Exact @ philippe B

it's the refs that I think taken into account

I'll test it

Now my new ref is at the bottom of the list

to know how it will go now

@+ ;-)

without the need to "touch the ISO standard"

this thread already exists at DIN!!


exact @ Olivier 42

after checking..............  I hadn't seen ;-(

@+ ;-)

well it makes me a little swollen......... Enormously

impossible to retrieve for the creation of threads (tapping) the Din standard

and yet select in the standards for toolbox

I did add my new ref in ISO but I can't find it in the thread assistance

The only standards proposed are

inch die

inch tap

metric die

metric tap

SP4xx Bottle

and in these series no M30x1.5

@+ ;-)

(oh beginning, I hadn't answered, I had taken the question for a basic question from a beginner, I hadn't seen that it was you gt22, lol)

However, in your standard manager, DIN is activated, because it is not grayed out.

Do you select the right type of hole? See screenshot

otherwise, in the standards manager, you have to develop DIN, and check that the submenus are not "off"

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Hi @ olivier and thank you ;-)

The fact is that I don't go through piercing assistance

(maybe I should) ;-(

since it is a part in revolution

I go directly via thread 

since on the one hand I have to do

tapping and threading

I thought I could do it directly

but that's where I don't have the right standards in

tool thread specification type

inch die

inch tap

metric die

metric tap

SP4xx Bottle

and in these series no M30x1.5

@+ ;-)

PS: it's true that I wanted to try to have a visual of the nets

since it's supposedly possible ;-(


Hello, for the size to be taken into account in the drilling wizard it seems to me that it must have been added in the "thread data" tab AND in "Sizes".

Hoping it helps.


This (new) 3D threading function has no link (it seems to me) with "the database"

in file location, you will see or point the files, they are LFP with configs...

(it's smart at SW to have used LFP, lol...)

EDIT: by the way there is no control system (compared to the assistant with the database which has one) i.e. you can put an M1 on a Ø30!

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and so, in the case of an LFP, it is not a "Missing Ref" but a missing config!


so, I advise to remove the M30 added/created in the ISO standard (because already present in the DIN)

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you were able to add what you wanted in the LFP??

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@ Olivier42

no it doesn't work the way I want it to

This is a subject to be explored in depth 

it's pretty crazy that there is no link with piercing assistance ;-(

It's a total misunderstanding

and + tests thread/tap stresses 

well no it's not possible

It's a shame I wanted to visualize the setting of a shock absorber 

Calibration nut on the barrel to visualize the resistance 

with spring compression via an animated spring

unclosed subject ;-)

@+ ;-)

The representation by this function is (it seems to me) only a simplified representation.

and yes no link with the database,

anyway now you know where to modify it to add configs, since it's only an LFP, I thought that was your first question?

Add images if necessary, to show what you're looking for?