Naming rule "IIF", "OR" and "EMPTY"

I'm trying to make a naming rule that retrieves the value of the last index of the plan.
In our plans we have properties "revision index 1", "revision index 2" and "revision index 3". We fill them in as we make changes to bring the plan to life. As long as the revision is not reached, the property remains empty (or "space" or "-" if there is a formalism problem between colleagues...). This is the last non-empty index that I would like to concatenate with the "plan number" property.
I wrote the beginning of a function but I'm not good at syntax. I wonder why "IIF" is written with 2 i's, I can't find the syntax "OR", "EMPTY", and I'm not sure about sequences and framing () and <> (what is the difference?)

<sw:plan number>And(IIF(sw:revision index 3)= "EMPTY" OR " " OR "-", ((IIF(sw:revision index 2)= "EMPTY" OR " " OR "-", (<sw:revision index 1>) , <sw:revision index 2>), <sw:revision index 3>)

Could someone enlighten me?


How do you seek to achieve this naming rule? In a vba code? In a SW formula?


I do this naming in Mycad integration (2015)

I don't know, I'm passing my turn

The easiest way is to ask Visiativ support who develops the software, but no memory OR, it takes 2 IFFs in a row to process an OR for empty I don't know anymore but maybe  "§". In any case, the suppre will confide all this to you.


And otherwise there is the help of smartproperties which is rather well done and then you have to test by creating the formula little by little (try as you go)

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