Relationship between parameters - Catia V5


I want to add to my skeleton containing the parameters A and B, a constraint so that if A is greater than 30, then B is 0. b being bounded between 0 and 360 and a between -30 and 90. 


Does anyone have an idea? 


Thank you very much in advance

Hello, do you have the Knowledge module (KWA)?

If so, you have to create a reaction (value change on parameter A) and pass through a (parmeter b).


A user parameter value (-30; 90)

b user parameter value (0; 360)

B is the user parameter evaluated by the reaction.

if 'A' > 30mm




     Message ("A is less than 30mm B takes the value 0mm")


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Access to the KWA module

We use this module because we can't enter an "if" condition in a formula.

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OK if you don't have KWA it is possible depending on the geometry you are piloting to get the behavior you want by formulas.

On the image below, I have created in the sketch two constraints for the same geometry entity.

One has 0mm (unactivated) the other associated with user parameter B.

The Boolean user parameter ensures condition A > a 30

After that, you just have to associate the state of constraint activation with the Boolean parameter.

one = Boulean

The other Not(Boolean).

Duplicate Destroyed


I don't have the KWA module, but I understood and managed to set up the other technique you gave me. Thank you! 

However, I have a new little problem: the angle I want to side is an angle that controls the orientation of a plane relative to an axis. So I can't add a new rib. Do you have any idea what I could do? Or is it not possible to put 2 angles to control the orientation of a plane? 

Thank you very much 


I don't have the KWA module, but I understood and managed to set up the other technique you gave me. Thank you! 

However, I have a new little problem: the angle I want to side is an angle that controls the orientation of a plane relative to an axis. So I can't add a new rib. Do you have any idea what I could do? Or is it not possible to put 2 angles to control the orientation of a plane? 

Thank you very much 


I have attached a video that describes the solution.

It is feasible directly on the plane but it will be more robust from a straight line and by redefining the plane with two straight lines.

On the video I constrain the end of the line on an origin, then two angle constraints.

During the video I forgot one last perpendicularity constraint between the line and the axis, it must be created (to remove the last degrees of freedom).

Note I have created two lines, Ref-1 and Ref-2-coincidental. Because you can't create two identical constraints on the same inputs.
