Component Replacement


By default, in an assembly, when a component that is present in several configurations of the assembly is replaced, it is replaced in all configurations.

Question:  Is it possible to replace the component only in certain configurations?

Simple answer: no.

How to get around: assemble the component a second time (by copying with the constraints), replace the copy with the new part, select the 2 parts, configure them to be enabled/deleted according to the configs.

Another solution: instead of 2 pieces, a single room with 2 config. In which case, the configuration of the room can be fixed according to the case.


Yes, if you replace a component it's automatically in all configurations. Cannot replace only in certain configurations.

Or else you have to make a configuration of the part you were replacing and choose the configuration of this part in each of the configurations of the assembly

I had also thought about the first solution of stefbeno if there was no solution provided in the software.

Thank you both

On the other hand, you don't have to change all the occurrences of the same part when you do a 'replace'. Just select the parts that are in the same configuration (quite easy with the shaft filter normally) and replace only those.