Replacing the PRT or ASM model


When composing to go, solid retains the old PRT models (PRTDOT)

I would like to know if it is possible to replace the old model with the new one in the same way that it is possible to reload a basemap.

Thanks in advance

Have you upgraded your old models

ex model old sw 2010 upgrade 2014 ?

@+ ;-))

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Hello, there was a similar question here:

The Copyoptions utility seems to be interesting for this. What exactly do you want to get back in your new prtdot?



Indeed, as I had indicated in the question posted by Benoît:

"If you want to have the same template or prtdot for the 2 files (the same database): they give 2 solutions here: By inserting a part in a new document or with a macro."

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Thank you for your answers.

@gt22 yes, the prtdots are well up to date.

I'm going to dig into Copyoptions and the excel macro because I also have the problem with ASMs.

Copyoptions is available here:


The easiest way (no software to buy or Excel macro) if it's for a few parts only, is to follow this procedure:


There is a simple way to do that. 
1. Create new part with new template. 
2. Isert your old part (insert->part menu) 
3. Choose to transfer all entities and choose option "Break link to original part". 
4. click OK  
5. Delete folder from tree. 
Thats all. You have old part on new template.


Do I have to translate?

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yes @.PL for some parts your solution works very well, but for assemblies I only see Copyoptions, I tried with the first link provided but the macro bug (version 2008?)

So I'm most likely going to buy the macro so Benoit provided me with the link.

Thank you all

Especially since at 20€, in equivalent time to do a macro, you will quickly make it profitable!

One more question: Is Copyoptions available with a Solid module?

If you know a little about VBA, creating the macro or adapting an existing one won't take very long:

You have to record the macro by learning from the few steps I mentioned above, then iterate over all the files in a folder (which is very easy to find on different forums).

And it seems to me that CopyOptions (like all MyCADTools tools bought individually) should be bought for the SolidWorks 2015 version...

And I didn't quite understand your question "with a Solid module": CopyOption is a utility developed by Axemble, so totally independent of SolidWorks (even if it works with it).

Okay,  in fact what I thought by "module" is for example Solidwatch which for us is a "module" of Solid with additional features. For example, drilling tables.

But I think it's the term "module" that I use, which should not coincide ...

On the other hand, I understood your explanation about the CopyOption utility.

Thank you

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