Replace a key part in an assembly


I have a tool designed in relation to a part. Some parts of this tool are created with sketches on edges.

 Is there a way to replace this part with a similar part (the Ø changes) without making a mess in my assembly?


Thank you.

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If the replacement part is from the 1st part, there is a good chance that they will lose the faces and edges which will not be named in the same way.



The easiest way would be to confirm this part with different holes and change the configuration as you see fit.


No problem, just create a configue of your room 

This said piece is a part with a ref

you just have to take this part back make your modification save it with the same no + extension 

and change your part in your assembly

Have them well checked for constraint of each second part the mother part and child part

and has no paleme

@+ ;-)




In fact, it must be taken into account that each element that designs a part has a reference. If you replace a part in an assembly, in order not to have defects, the external references must be identical to the previous layout (same ref, e.g. face 1 of part 1 // side 6 of part 3).

If you don't know what these external references are, you can list them by right-clicking on the parts in the tree. If you encounter too many problems in your manipulation, I advise you to either go through a configuration if this part should not be associative with the new part (auto-sized according to constraints with the new part), or to remove these external references (which seems to me the most judicious so as not to have any surprises) even if it means redefining them with the new part. Be careful, normally the sketches remain totally constrained, the external refs are replaced (like constant constraints, but that's not it), and no dimension is added automatically, it's up to you to put them.


If your assembly is too advanced for a rewind without consequences, the best solution is to remove the external references (you can find this with a right click on your function depending on your assembly)