I've been asking myself this question for a while about whether it's possible.
In a drawing I have an annotation "GOOD FOR CONSULTATION" I would like to know by what means (as simple as possible) can this annotation be changed by "GOOD FOR MANUFACTURE"?
I explain myself in one or two drawings, no worries, I already have the annotations on the side, I delete the ''GOOD FOR CONSULTATION'' and I put the ''GOOD FOR MANUFACTURE'' on the plan, except that for 200 plans I have to do this task 200 times........
I was thinking of a macro but I don't really see how to structure it (very little touched macros on solidworks)?
Thank you.
I don't have Solidworks on hand but maybe the task scheduler can help you.
There is the function in the Integration tool of the myCADtools suite
Integration is a tool that allows you to perform bulk actions on SolidWorks files.
Extract from the documentation:
Operation: Edit the text of a note
This allows you to modify a portion of a note in the drawing.
Example : Replaces the text of the note "AF1523" with "NF1523" on all selected drawings.
As a fallback, you can use the following statements:
<FileName>, to display the name of the document.
<PathName>, to view the full path of the document.
$Nom of the property, to display a property value of the document (if the property name contains a space, use %20% to replace that space).
<Configuration>, to display the name of the current current configuration.
<Date>, to display the date.
<Time>, to display the time.
<NewLine>, to line up
Thank you Prossignol I didn't know we could do that with it I'll see about it;)
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Nickel prossignol is exactly what I was looking for, I have browsed a little indeed you can do a lot of things with it.
I tried to find without success how to change the color of the note, like it's red at the beginning to change it to green, do you have an idea ?
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To add colors:
Nickel it's perfect thank you;)
Where can we find these lines there for all the other colors?
I deviate a little from the subject, can't we print a drawing with integration (I haven't found this operation)?
I was originally using batch converter to export PDF/DXF/STEP and paper here for the time being I grouped all on several lines with integration I just miss the printing.
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- For printing you have an operation in the Document group -> Print Document
After that, there are no options like in PowerPrint.
FYI, you can use the search tool to find the operations or conditions more easily:
- For colors, in fact it's only that SolidWorks notes accept HTML codifications
So we can add more.
<FONT size=8 name="Arial" color=0x00FF0000 Style="Bold">Line 1
To find another color go to the site and get the Hex code http://www.proftnj.com/RGB3.htm
then replace the part in bold: color=0x00FF0011
The only problem is that SolidWorks has reversed the R V B (R:FF V:00 B11) and that you have to find the right order
Well done, I had done a search ''print'' while the command is ''print'' so I couldn't find it.
Indeed I didn't know the manipe for the color again thank you for your explanations it's clear and precise.
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