Making a component invisible on the MEP

Hello everyone,


I am now looking to make a component present in the 3D invisible in a Solidworks MEP.


The goal: To be able to see the size of the latter (clamp collar) in the 3D, but not in the MEP (Too much detail).


Anyone have an idea? (Apart from hiding the component in the drawing).


Thank you all,


Have a nice day!


Select your component in the tree and right-click then hide the component.

Kind regards




I guess it's the drawing of an assembly.

So, you make a family table of your assembly with 2 versions, one with the component and one without the component.

All you have to do is draw the assembly without the component.






Why doesn't the hide component function in the MEP suit you?

Otherwise, use configurations in 3D.




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Can the visualization cube help you? 


Link here:


I haven't tried, but it may be possible to create the visualization cube for your part, and display it in your assembly (by choosing it in the tree) without displaying the part. Or if not, copy it into your assembly.


Edit: I hadn't seen that it was about a necklace, so it's not very suitable!


You have to create a configuration in the 3D with collar and without collar; or with collar and transparent collar.

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the answer of @ Tomalam and the other colleagues are relevant to me


2 config

_1 with collars 

_2 without collars 


Why do collars bother you?

If it's an assembly and depending on the size of it, the necklaces won't be seen, at least in the details, always according to the dimensions and size of your assembly


@+ ;-)


By using display states in your 3D assembly instead of assembly configurations, this can be another solution.

In the properties of the component in the assembly there is an "Envelope" option, which allows you to exclude the component from the BOM and make it invisible in the drawing... it is also no longer taken into account in mass ownership...


Be careful with the basics, the envelope option is a selection tool.

Fortunately on the latest versions you can disable the option... In the previous versions you had to delete the component and put it back


I would have liked to put another screenshot to illustrate the result... but on lynkoa you can only attach one image per message -_-


Thank you for all your answers,


Unfortunately the configurations are too large to manage (large assemblies) and you have to remember that we made them.


Fab 's option is perfect and works wonders! The mass of these necklaces is negligible.


Thank you again!