Rename files with a counter in ProjectManager


I would like to rename files on a machine using a counter in projectManager. I rename the different parts in the following way: "Job Number"-"Machine Number"-"P or A or S"(depending on the file type)-"Counter P or A or S". However, I noticed after tests that the meters did not behave as I wanted. Indeed, despite the changes of the business number and the machine number, the counter remains the same, while I would like it to restart at 0 as soon as I change one of these two numbers. Is this possible? (I would also like to avoid creating a new counter with a new letter for each number).

Kind regards 

You start by creating your renaming rule with "Deal Number"-"Machine Number" - for the P A or S you create 3 other rules that add the characters P A or S then for the counter a rule of + that adds your incremented number.

To do this, you click on the wheel in 1, then you create your counter in 2 and finally with each new project to copy you reset your starting value to 0 in 3

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Unfortunately, this did not solve my problem. I forgot to mention one point. Indeed, I use SmartProperties to number my rooms with a counter. I have to indicate in the Smart the deal number and the machine number so that it creates a P, A or S meter specific to these numbers (e.g. 190000-100-P047). And I would like ProjectManager or for example I rename a machine to 190000-100-...., to use the same counter so as not to have duplicates. It would also allow me to know when I add parts to a renowned machine, that the counter knows from which number to take over. You can see my P counter setup below.

Kind regards

This is achievable because in Project Manager we retrieve the ID of the counter that we use in Smartproperties and the numbering increments with continuity in one or the other.

On the other hand, our Counter is called PI or AS in Smartproperties (advanced counter) and <Counter IDxxxxxx> in Project Manager to retrieve the Counter ID you need:

- Look in SmartProperties for the location of your meter (see image below, frame in red)

Open this counter (SmartProperties_Increment.xml) and look at the value of the Counter Id corresponding to your counter name. (see example image below PI = counter name in my smartproperties and in Project Manager I have:<Counter|ID419350993954>)


On the other hand, for you who often change meters, it can be painful. We don't change the counter for each business or machine, it's a counter for all the parts, assemblies...

And the name of machines and business is just added in the title block with Integration.

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Thank you for your help. I did find the counter (SmartProperties_Increment.xml) but as you can see below, I have several "sub-counters" in the same id. Is it possible to retrieve a particular one in ProjectManager, for example 190000-100 with the value 163 in order to rename a machine from that number. At the moment, as you can see in the photo, ProjectManager is incrementing a "sub-counter" that it has created automatically named "-".

On our speedometers, we didn't select auto but advanced and maybe that changes everything.

I think you should make a ticket with the hotline in order to get a more accurate answer, because then I won't be able to answer you anymore.

And then share the right answer with us!

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