Information about minolta vivid 910 3d scanner

I would need information about this tool: Konica Minolta Vivid 910 3D scanner.

- can we control it with a software other than the one of the "polygon editing tool" builder?

- if so , can it be controlled without a memory card directly from another software such as "Geomagic", "Rapidform" or "Polyworks" using the parallel port cable?

On the off chance if anyone knows how to get parts like accessory lenses, let me know.

Any practical information or feedback would be useful to me, thank you in advance.


good... the more it goes the more I believe in it... ;)

I scratched the subject this weekend!

So I need a SCSI 2 cable and a PCI/SCSI 2 card, all this on an old 32 bit PC with XP.

I found a card that would stick (Adaptec 2604), to know if it will be compatible with the scanner...

It's not won.

Well, it's the mega m...

Unable to access the scanner with Geomagic.
After burning the pentium 4 of my milling machine (handling error) I was finally able to mount the installation on a new old PC with the right output card.
That seems to work, the scanner is recognized by the PC.
First problem, no pilot! I think that's what's stuck. So it tells me that the device is badly installed.

For Geomagic I found the plugin, I installed it but no better. There was another thing with I didn't get it right, the mistake may be there too.
2 days that I scratch there and nothing to do. No way to access the scanner.


I solved my problem, a big thank you to S.  Lemoine from the KALLISTO company for giving me a moment.

I would use the scanner with its flash card, it's the easiest!

Very important info if you buy a Vivid scanner: the optics contain electronics, the serial number of the device is recorded on them and they must match those of the scanner. Only Minolta is able to solve this problem; They have not been producing and marketing 3D scanners for a few years, no more after-sales service.

Another important point, the connector of the flash card adapter is fragile, there have been many cases of breakage at this level. Make sure you have a minimum warranty when buying, while skimming the web I met a person whose scanner is malfunctioning, maybe the connector, maybe more serious. In the meantime he is very annoyed.