Renumber a file series

I looked in MyCadTools but I didn't see anything that seems to me to fit my needs.

I duplicated a part of the case by making a take-away compypsition. Problem, I now have a series of files that are numbered randomly. Do you know how to renumber them starting from 1.
I could obviously do it with SWExplorer but it's going to be a bit long (I have a good 20 pieces)

Thank you


If you haven't seen anything in the MyCadTools tools and if you don't have EPDM then I think SWExplorer is the right solution to avoid losing the links and then on about twenty pieces the hair is not that long !!!

Kind regards

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You have the Project manager utility that allows you to rename a project in bulk, you have to put renaming rules on it.

Here we would have to delete all the existing characters and then create a counter that increments the name of each piece.

On the other hand, if you don't master this software, not sure that for 20-30 parts it is really useful, you will save your time with solidworks explorer.

Unless you want to learn for other projects how to use this software.

To use Project Manager, open your assembly to be renamed en masse.

In the 1st tab Select at the bottom add your assembly then you add the plans (by adding the current folder then adding the plans)

If necessary you can modify the properties in bulk in the 2nd tab Properties (for example a deal number, or a cartoonist...)

Then in the Rename tab you add a new rule, you replace the first 20 characters (if your file name is much less than 20 characters like this you delete all the characters before the file extension), then just below in new field you choose the value of a SmartCounter counter you press the wheel to configure the counter simplified choice counter format 1,2,3 (see image attached).

Then in structure you choose the destination of the folder to which you copy

(adding, check the same subfolder) then choose the destination)

Finally, in Duplication, click on Processing.



Indeed for the moment it's a small part but seeing how the deal starts, I feel that it will serve me.
The part about the properties also interests me since the client felt the need to transform "Name of the equipment" into "EQUIPMENT", Rev 00 into Rev A, etc! A trifle of 30 properties that change more or less. Fortunately, upper/lower case letters do not seem to be a problem.

Having used it for several years this software is very complete to make assembly copies + complete Mep with renaming of all kinds, good pleasure to you to find your settings.

Now I'm in the 2015 version but I have a problem: when I want to validate the meter, it asks me to register it but as it tries to save it in a location for which it doesn't have the right... it gets a little stuck (cf PM counter error).

I tried to modify the paths but he absolutely wants to make this backup there. I tried to modify the paths at the level of the general options of PorjectManager, same, no way to modify the path (cf PM general options)


The second capture


Here's my rule for the meter:



And the options in my meter:



For me 2016 version, show me the options of your meter we had the 2014 before and it must look like it!

Error: I misread how to change the path of the xml file.



That's what I tried: it saves a file in the directory I give it but still wants to save a backup file.

No other idea, maybe ask Visiativ support and post the answer out of curiosity!

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