Welding table rep

Can we specify a coordinate system of a welding table and link it to a mechanically welded part?
I would like to show marks (e.g. S1, S2...) of my welds in the nomenclature (welding table) and on the parts in addition to the marks of my nomenclature of mechanically welded parts!?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


Want to design them to match a WPS?
For my part, I create speech bubbles and I change the text but I don't go back to a column of the nomenclature unless I break the relationships and re-enter with the risk of making mistakes.
If someone on the forum
normes.pdf (1.6 MB)
points to his welds, he can help us I think.
Is this the type of reference you want?

That's right, yes. I would like to create and automate a bill of materials with columns (Weld marker, weld type, WPS, etc.).
Let's hope someone here can give us some tips


I am facing the same problem as you, waiting for users with a solution.
Have a nice day.



You can specify a coordinate system from a weld table and link it to a mechanically welded part using the SOLIDWORKS Weld Construction feature. This feature allows you to create mechanically welded elements from profiles, manage the welded parts list, add gussets and ferrules, and create configurations.
I hope it helps you!

I do not think you have understood the question any better. I would like to be able to use a weld that I will have named "S1" for example to a line of a nomenclature in which I can give information on the type of weld, the thicknesses concerned and the WPS...