Variable Driven Sketch Rehearsals


After a few hours of research, I come to ask for your help! : )

I would like to repeat the scan (image 2) following the "complex" shape.
My lines/trajectories (green) are created but I'm missing the profile (red) that I'd like to repeat. 
The profile is oval and is perpendicular to this trajectory.
How would you go about it?

Driven through the equation table?

Thank you

Hello @guillaume / iriso

How did you make the shape as in the attached image?

Why this one doesn't suit you.
For this type of shape, one of our colleagues performs this in surface can be @gt22 ???? (from memory it was a bottle fluted vertically or with oblique grooves)

Kind regards


Hello @Guillaume / Iriso ,

As I understand your images, the basic "washbasin" relies on a half ellipse  for the upper outline, and a second smaller one for the lower outline. The lateral shape is defined by a set of "generators" drawn in regularly distributed vertical planes, apparently all different.
Finally, you want to create a scan of an elliptical section (in red) along these generators. It is this last step that you are trying to lighten...

My approach: after defining the washbasin by a "Smoothed Surface", I see things as follows:
- Create the elliptical scan profile based on a sketch, then a "Flat Surface " function (Surface-Plan7);
- repeat this profile along the edge of the basin using the "Curve-driven repeat" function (Curve Repeat1). It allows the profile surface to be reproduced along the basin edge, with equidistant centers and keeping the short axis of the ellipse profile tangent to the curve. On my example, I limited myself to 30 intervals. The length of the rim of the basin must first be measured to define the exact value of the repetition step;
- not having the equations of the generators, I generated them by cutting the surface of the basin by means of the curve function "Separation line", using a sketch made up of segments (Separation line 4);
- the tubes still have to be created one by one by means of the "Scanning" function, either in surface or in volume (Sweep1, ...).

I don't see a way to automate the steps of this construction, you have to be patient.

Kind regards.



Hello, and thank you for your answers.

But I realize that I am not given enough elements, the problem is more complex!

The high profile of the basin is not a half-ellipse but ovoid.
On the other hand, the low profile is simpler, it's a semicircle.

the only solution to my knowledge, 

- according to the smoothed surface of the half-basin, I generate the trajectories with the "Face curve" sketching tool
- then build one by one the profiles of the scan, tangent to its trajectory. This is the most time-consuming. 
- Then generate the scan one by one as well. 

  Hello @Guillaume / Iriso

you have which SW version

I hear about a basin 

so the outer skin must be full 

You will need via the sight of your attached images

create X profile for each  smoothing 

so create X plane along each smoothing to keep an optimal profile

since there is nothing symmetrical and which of + is the profile section must be optimized 

It's a job of patience 

a great job that I love ;-)

I hope you have a good machine 


Thank you @gt22, 

hum if I could automate repetitions I would like more! ^^
I'm discovering automation by the equation table, I had a hope of automating the sketch profiles or even the scan function by this feature. At the moment,  I have a meager understanding of mathematical function and interaction in this table.
I only succeeded by following the tutorials, automating the odds. 
Before my request I had generated 90% of the profiles with the scan function (80 scans). I felt the PC weakening with each new sketch. 
I hadn't backed up and the autosave didn't work!^^
The result was bitter.

SW 2019 Professional
My graphics card is not necessarily suitable, but a priori we can modify it in calculation mode.
AMD Ryzen 93950x 16 core 3.49 processor
NIVIDIA Geforce RTX 2070


It doesn't seem to me that the scan function is de rigueur 

I'm thinking + of the smoothing function which seems to me the + suitable 


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Hello @Guillaume / Iriso ,

Given the choices you propose to generate your object, I agree with you in your conclusion: it will be long and painful...

I submit to you a compromise slightly different from yours, subject to accepting the equidistribution of the N sweeping profiles along the edge of the basin:

1- use the "curve-driven" pattern to create the N profiles. Advantage: quick result, with the small axis always tangent to the edge of the basin;
2- in the plane of the edge of the basin, create a sketch taking the shape of the edge, then use the "Segments" sketching tool on this curve to generate N points that materialize the centers of the profiles (they are not accessible after repetition...);
3- create for each of the N profiles the "face curve" that passes through its center point. The curves are created one by one, this is the laborious part of the work. But it is limited to a few selections by clicking the mouse. Make sure to uncheck the "Direction2" box to get only the path sketch.
4- Generate the scans. In any case, these steps will be carried out one by one, by hand.

Good luck...


Thank you @m.blt For your solution, it is faster but I prefer the curves of the tangent profile which is in its trajectory! 
I find her more elegant, I will arm myself with patience!

Thank you @gt22, why would it be more suitable than a scan?
The "control" of the surface thanks to the second profile?