End-to-end repetition



I have a tube with a family of parts (on SolidWorks) that varies the length and a few other parameters.

I would like to create a repetition (easily change the quantity) that can follow a curve that positions my tubes end to end (fixed spacing) and then I change the configuration of some tubes (change the length) and that the tubes remain end to end.


Does anyone have a solution for me?


Thank you



Well yes, you create an equation that links the value of your repetition to that of your extrusion...

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In fact I have let's say 100 occurrences that I want to repeat with spacings of 2m except for a few which have for example 1.5m, 1.3m, etc.

The way I see would be to do several repetitions that repeat the last occurrence of the previous one. Is this possible? Example 26x 2m - 1x 1.4m - 54x 2m - 1x 0.6m - 30x 2m...  

 Hello sebas1212,

Do you have a sketch to show us a little more about the use?

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See sketch;

Normally, I have my type tubes that are fixed to 4 posts spaced 2400mm apart. However, for various reasons, some posts have different spacing. This can have the effect of shortening the length of the tubes.

Currently, I have done a chain repetition which allows me to choose the two ends of my tubes so that they follow a curve. On the other hand, when I change the configuration of a tube, a space is created between two tubes.

Note that the holes are larger than the bolts, which allows for a curvature of the trajectory.



I may have a solution if I have understood everything correctly

I'm sending you the example I made, it will be simpler than with words.

But basically I have my basic trajectory with an arc shape. Then I created a second trajectory that starts from the basic trajectory to go to the 1st hook point of the second lg. component.

On the other hand, you have to create as many trajectories as you have possibilities of different tube lengths. (I think it's not very clear like that but with the file I think it should do it if I followed everything well what you wanted.)

Have a nice day.
