Circular part repeat


I started in Solidworks but I'm tearing my hair out to duplicate a part (Being a regular of ZOOM GDL from Abvent, )

I notice that everything is different, I know how to duplicate a hole but not how to duplicate the entire object in a circular way

It does anything to me, I navigated well on the aids but I must have skipped something

My idea is to create a facet and duplicate it in order to create a piece

I attach the photo of the complete piece with an example that Catia makes and finally the cross-sectional view on which I will base my circular duplication. If not, what would be the best method to recreate this piece??

Thanks in advance



Quick done:
- model the massive crown;
- make a cut;
- Repeat the cut.

Example in SW15


See if it's right for you

the odds are not good ;-)

but the principle is there

There are other ways to proceed to make this piece

attached file SW 2017

@+ ;-)


Thank you, I'll practice

Well it's not won, I still can't do the same thing

A little step-by-step tutorial would be welcome, because I really don't master circular duplication, I'm always missing something

I guess if I can understand this I can progress very quickly, same for repetition of a piece, as long as it's a circle, a square or any shape I can do circular or linear repetitions

but as soon as I put a thickness to make a volume I can't do it anymore, it only takes one facet??

I don't really understand the mechanism

Opens attached files

Steffeno's or mine

and you look at the circular repeat tab in the featuremanager column on the left

and looks at the type of choice and the references taken to create these repetitions 

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here is a little tutorial with the part in Solidworks 2016 in the ZIP file
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Great, thank you I'm looking at this

Great tutorial very well done, but I still can't do it because I get stuck at the level of the steering. In the parameter menu of your file where you put (y) I have direction 1 and I don't know how to tell it the direction (y), that's why I have trouble understanding In my mind I thought that if we indicate 360° it would find the direction on its own??? But I have to confuse revolution with duplication. I am attaching a screenshot

Thank you for taking your time to help me


You need to create an axis in the middle of your Ø by creating a sketch line on a plane in the middle of the Ø. At home I create in axes in my models of parts that I use for  these.

Or you select the plane where you sketched your profile and then its perpendicular plane by pressing CTRL and going to insert==>reference geometry then axis and then you can use it for the circular repeat direction.

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Ok but I can't create a line in the axis of my circle, it is positioned outside and I don't know how to move it so that it is on the axis

Yet I read tutorials, but to do simple things I haven't found it yet

Being retired I guess it's going to be complicated to start, I've worked too much with zoom and autocad, and I'm confusing a lot of things

Phew, I just got there, I'm starting to understand and I thank you for your help

I think I'll get back to you soon if I'm still stuck on something

Here's what I managed to do


I don't know how to indicate on the forum that the subject is resolved???


Dsl for not having been able to answer you before,  under the answers there is something like "this answer solved my problem" or something like that. 

Pourtant j'en lis des tutos, mais pour faire des choses simples j'ai pas encore trouvé

Etant à la retraite je suppose que ça va être compliqué à démarrer, j'ai trop travaillé avec zoom et autocad, et je confond pas mal de choses


To get started, without prior training, I advise you to do the integrated tutorials of SW (accessible via the menu?). They allow you to acquire the right basics (both from a handling and vocabulary point of view).

To define an axis, you can either create it (so it's a reference axis and it creates a line in the feature manager), or use an existing circular surface or use a temporary axis (which is created by the SW as soon as there is a circular face).