Circular repetition of a plane

Hello, I need to rotate a geometric entity PLAN by 90°

to use it in an EXTRUDED BOSS function 

Unable to select the PLANE in question in the CIRCULAR REPETITION operation.

The way may not be the right one. (I draw with SOLIDWORKS2019)

Thank you for your help


You need a circular entity to enter in the first dialog box.

This will give a center of rotation afterwards.




Could you post a screen print of what you want to repeat circularly?

Thank you
It's a 3D geometric entity that I need to rotate around an axis in space: a plane or a surface

See image below


Hello jfillon,

I don't understand how to make a circular repetition of shots so what I understand on your last screenshot is 3d models or bodies that you want to repeat, not shots.

It is more navigable to make circular or other repetitions of models or bodies than for plans...


You can shift the plane because a rotation is not possible. We can repeat an element or a sketch in a circular way, but a plane shifts by giving it a distance, because it does not make sense.


You can't repeat a reference entity (axis, plane, etc.) and it's a shame.

What is the final need?


Hi all
This is what I have come to understand: it is not possible to repeat a reference entity (as it is possible under Catia)
I ended up rebuilding this "shot" shot

Subject closed for me 

Thank you all

