Concentric Repeat

Hi all

I'm coming to you because I have a small problem about SW, and I'm convinced that there is a simple solution that I can't find...

I have to make a whole series of aluminum cases with grooves on one side. The problem is that these grooves must be concentric.

For the moment, I make sketches with hundreds of concentric circles and I define areas of material to be removed, but this takes a very long time to do! In addition, the sketches are extremely busy and make solidworks slow down which doesn't help anything... And I'm not even talking about whether I should make a change in the thickness of the fins for example...

Do you know of a function that allows you to perform this operation automatically, a bit like linear or circular repeats?


I'll give you a little file for the example.


Thank you very much in advance,


Youngest child



Hello @benjamin_co 

an image of your problem would allow

To all people who do not have the same version to be able to answer you



To gain a little in simplicity, you can use the "thin function" option in your thin material removal, so you need to draw only one of the two sides of the grooves, and the management of their thickness is done by a single dimension,


You can also go through 1 linear repetition and then a removal of material per revolution:

Kind regards


The step file for gt22 ...

