I need to repeat a drilling function (or at least a material removal) on a portion of a cylinder:
My problem: put as many holes as possible without making a ch###r. Currently, I have made a linear repetition of a circular repetition but it would be necessary to be able to combine the 2 into a single function to be able to exclude the occurrences that will fall into the void in particular.
I've looked at variable repetition but I feel like I'm going to spend (way) too much time on it.
The step you attached is a part, how will it be designed? by machining or will the 2.5mm parts not be assembled afterwards? Because it will not be the same piece of sheet metal. Here is the sheet metal part (solidworks 2016) with two configurations, one in 4mm thickness and the other in 6.5mm
You must create a 3D point on your internal surface then use the "Points on isoparametric distribution surface" option , select your internal surface and then the created point. Then define the number of U-shaped points (+ symmetry) and then the number of V-shaped points.
You get a 3D sketch in which you can optionally delete points.