Unable to repeat reference geometry

Background: SW2013

In part mode, I can't do a plane/point repetition (I haven't tried with the axes).

Is this normal?


A linear sketch repetition for the points?

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What type of repetition? Got an error message?

Can you attach a screen print?

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And for the repetition of the shot, you have to edit the shot and set the number of occurrences in "number of shots to create" (see image)

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I don't understand your question 

you want to do plane repetitions via reference points

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For the stitches, it is repetitions of the sketch that must be done.

And for the plans, as I have shown above

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If I understood the question correctly:

To create planes, axes and points from the base planes and the origin, you need to use the 'Reference Geometry' menu


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I tried 2 things:

- circular repetition of planes

- Repeating driven by a curve of one point


no error message, when I want to select the function to repeat, SW doesn't select the plane or the point. And if the plane/point is selected when the function is launched, the selection is lost.

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It seems to me that for sketch rehearsals you can't use plans!

As noted in the help:

Create linear or circular sketch repetitions that use elements on sketch entities that you want to repeat or model edges.


Or in aid in 2014:

"Create circular sketch repetitions on a plane or on a model by using sketch entities or model edges to define the repetition."



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A plan is neither a function nor a sketch, the only way to repeat it is to edit the plan to repeat it.


For the point, only one way is to repeat a sketch.


Otherwise remove material in the shape of a cross, and repeat the function.

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For me, you can't repeat the reference geometries on SW!

They must be entered individually or via the options provided in the functions of the reference elements.


For the repetitions of linear or circular planes, I found a tutorial:


Just choose the number of instances when creating.


Pattern functions cannot repeat reference geometries. This is normal operation.

You can "repeat" these geometries during creation (for planes and axes) for some design options, but this actually creates several functions/geometries.

I would say that there is no particular reason for this limitation, other than a choice of the editor.