Controlled drill repeat


I have to fix a sheet metal on a frame with screws. I'm trying to link the position of the threads to that of the screw holes in the sheet metal (or the other way around, it doesn't matter... The main thing is to have only one dimension to modify in case of evolution). Usually, I create a drill repeat on the sheet metal and then I place the threads one by one concentric to the screw passages. Not very efficient when you have a lot of screws...  I would have liked to find a "function-driven drill repeat" function but...

I had thought:

- Create a pattern in each room and link them to each other via variables

- Insert a screw repeat and then a linked "drilling series" into the assembly

- Create a sketch and link two repetitions to that sketch

Is there a faster/more efficient solution? What solution do you use?



Thank you in advance and have a good day,



When the first tap is placed on the first of the holes and you create the repeat, the latter is not done in relation to the repetition of the holes?

Well, no, but I'm not sure I got it right. I create a tap and then a repeat (with which option do you suggest?) in the context of my assembly, right?


I think the best solution is to use the drilling series feature after you've created your sketch.


Good luck.

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I take the example of an assembly:

When you assemble a screw in the first hole of a hole repeat (function in the room), the pattern offers you by default to follow the repeat of the holes.

So I guess for a tapping it should be done as well.

Well no, that's my big regret!!

This option exists only for components and not for other functions.... (unless I'm wrong)

Why not drill and tap and then repeat both functions at the same time?


How would you do it? That sounds good to me!



Why isn't function-driven repetition suitable?


Because it's a component pattern and not a function pattern.


Ah your thread is a component?


I thought it was a function...

In fact, what I do:

1) Creating the threads in part A

2) Return to assembly and creation of the screw holes in context (with external references) in part B

3) Open Exhibit B

4) Remove all external references from the part

5) Edit the sketch and totally constrain it with the appropriate tool

I'll make a tutorial for tomorrow if I have time.


Links for more understanding:

                         - See my tutorial:  

                         - Or SolidWorks help:

@Bart: No, my tapping is indeed a function but the "function-driven repetition" function only works for inserting components in an assembly and not for repeating functions...

It would be a solution that would meet my request perfectly!


@.PL: Actually my problem is the optimization of the number of clicks when you have a screw bard: how to avoid having to put stitches one by one. How to install them en masse, all concentric with as few manipulations as possible.

What you describe is what I do but keeping the references. They suit me very well: no forgetting to change dimension in case of modification.

Thank you in any case for your answers, it doesn't solve my problem but it's not very serious, I'm not paid per click ;-)

But if anyone has other ideas, I'm still interested... :-°


You could control all of this by a sketch in your assembly.

You make a sketch with dots to position your holes/taps/screws.

You edit your first piece and you create a rehearsal driven by a sketch of your holes

You edit your second piece and you create a repetition driven by a sketch of your taps

You insert your screw and you do a repetition piioté by a function where you choose drilling or tapping as a driver.

If all your functions/original parts match, it should work.