Sketch Repetition

Hi all 


How can I find the repeats in the building tree on the left?


Sketch repeats do not appear in the Creation Tree.

As a result, I don't use them. Because I find that it loses its interest.

Kind regards.



It is not possible to display it in the tree, but to modify a sketch repeat, you must:

Right-click an instance of the repeat and select the appropriate Edit option. If you selected Show Number of Occurrences, you can double-click the number of occurrences and edit it in the graphics area.


If by method you have named this said sketch

See this tutorial

This is the filter of the creation tree that allows you to find everything that is in this tree once each element is well defined


In many cases it is preferable to make repetitions of either functions or face preferences that are much less heavy in file size


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See this question where I posted some tutorials on repetitions



This only works with the repetitions of bodies or functions.

For the rest, just edit your sketch and then click on the repeat once. The number of occurrences will appear. Click on it to edit the repeat.

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@Bart, that's what I said!