Pattern repeat on an oval handle

 Hi all

I'm looking for some ways to make a non-slip surface on a smooth handle that is not circular by making a repetition of patterns to extrude or hollow

Hello @volum3d

It is quite likely that our expert colleagues at Catia will surely point out that with so little information about the handle itself (shape, size, material, size of the surface to be made non-slip, shape of the surface etc...) it seems difficult to tell you any way to proceed.

With the 2019 version of SW it's easy to do and probably also on Catia but I think more needs to be said.

Kind regards

Rubber barrel handle dia 25 length 130

I don't know CATIA in detail.

The barrel shape is a form of revolution, so do a repetition on a generator and then a circular repetition of the first one. Possibly do a second staggered series to be in staggered rows.


The question to ask yourself is is this really necessary??

Even if the pattern you want to make is simple, it can quickly turn into a mess if the surface is complex.

The size of the file and the time it takes to update and load will explode.

Often we get away with a partial representation, a commentary on the plan, a realistic rendering.

Unless the surface condition is imperative (3D printer) I would say that it is better to simplify your life.

Otherwise here are some links to the excellent site run by PSX59 ""

Partial knurling on Catia V5.

CatiaV5 - How to make a network of holes on a complex surface – (optimized copies)

Make a network of holes in Catia V5 by using a CatVBa script.

EDIT: @Zozo_mp I saw the videos on creating relief from textures in SW.

No, we don't have CATIA (at least not with the modules I have.


Thank you all for your leads.

I arrived at something that suits me by using the tutorial "making a tire sculpture" on the PSX59 site mentioned above.

I needed the detail so that I could 3D print and then make it in plastic injection.