Curve-driven repetition: constant spacing not constant

Hi all

In conveyor design, curve-driven repetition is used to repeat buckets along the belt.
The Constant Spacing option is enabled and the number of instances is set.
And the result, well, it's like in the title: constant spacing is not! at least not in the curves:

Does anyone have an explanation? (Every time there is a mathematical subtlety that escapes me and this result is logical)

Note : The same repetition with a calculated spacing (trajectory length/number of buckets) gives the same result (read: no constant spacing in the curves), whether the trajectory length is taken from the outside, the inside or on the neutral line of the belt...

The goal is to know if we can trust the position of the bucket in the curve or not.

Thank you in advance for the answers you can give me!

What option did you put in? There it seems that the repetition curve is more at the center of gravity of your repeated block. (offset curve?)
It seems to me that by playing with the options I had managed to take the right step.
Otherwise on another case of chain repetition in the assembly and it works well as well.

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I just did a little test in a room, and my space is very constant.
Is it possible to share your file so that we can watch?

I have to test in assembly also see what it gives.

Have a nice weekend


@sbadenis : The options are [Constant Spacing; Offset curve; Tangent to the curve]. In my case, chain repeating doesn't work because there is no connection between the repeated buckets.

@FUZ3D : Indeed, repetition in the room does give a constant spacing. It allows me to get the desired result in my assembly by using a repeat-driven repetition. :+1:

In my assembly, I put the 2 repetitions to visualize the gap:

  • In yellow: the component to be repeated;
  • In green: Repetition driven by the repetition in the room;
  • In red: Curve-driven repetition in the assembly;

I'm going to report it as a bug...
In any case, thank you @FUZ3D for " the assist "!