I would like to know if there is a function to repeat a sketch or a function driven by coordinate systems.
Hi the attached photo, I did a material removal according to the "coordinate system 1" and I would like to repeat this material removal in the "coordinate system 2".
Thanks in advance!
I would be tempted to say with a repetition driven by a sketch.
Have a nice day.
To be tested but I doubt that the repetition by sketch will cause the rotation of the function.
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Sketch repetition will not take rotation into account. On the other hand, if the x,y plane of the 2 coordinate systems is common, then a circular repetition of 90° can do the job, if the piece is square (but it doesn't seem to be the case).
Otherwise, we can also do a "crtl+c" of the removal function, then select the second plane (perpendicular in this case) and "ctrl-v". at worst, there will only be the 2 investment ratings to be redone...
Have a nice day
Frédéric's method does not work.
I'm going to try Sebastien's method.
Thank you!