Repetition following a curve, with a pattern that changes scale, how to do it?

Hello everyone and thank you for acceptance!
I have been using Solidworks in the field of metalwork for a good ten years now, and today I am coming up against a small problem....
A client asked me to make the attached pattern (in metal panels, for closing the terrace).
Do any of you have one or more solutions to draw this as quickly and proportionately as possible?

Be careful, I don't want to do image recognition via DXF or converter. I prefer to draw the curves manually and therefore draw a sheet, then, make a repetition following the curve, but with a smaller and smaller scale for the repetition of the sheet (so that's where I get stuck....)
Thank you in advance to all.



Bigre your request is not easy!  It looks like a Solidworks challenge

I have an idea but I have to check if it works.

I can feel our friend @gt22 come up with a surface solution or something clever of which he has the secret.

To Plutarch



I was thinking of variable odds repetition. Just do this spline-driven repeat. You just have to do once the right and once the left. It may be possible to do the right and the left at the same time (to be checked).

It will surely be necessary to combine this with repetition driven by a curve !

Look at a simple explanation from our fortunate colleague @Dara Vaing

Kind regards

Done the steering by the sketches it will work better in this case

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Thank you Zozo_mp,

But how do you combine the two at the same time (variable and curved)??

I just tried but no way...

something like that

@+ ;-)


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Exactly gt22 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm waiting to hear from you!!

it's not that simple this business ;-)

See attached file SW 2017

PS: there may be + simple but not yet found ;-(



here are your solid sheets ;-)

@+ ;-)

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Great, thank you!

No way in SW2019 version?

What do you mean not average in 2019 version?

So hats off!!

Thank you very much!!


I don't think that the answer that solves the problem is the one defined 

@+ ;-(


If  it's good, it's perfect!

I just looked at your arborescence and suddenly I can see that there is control.

How do you extract, in the simplest way possible, the leaves in solid?

No choice A new sketch 

Convert all your sheets 1/1

Create an extrusion 

and hide the first sheet metal that was deformed

(I don't understand why but you have to deal with it)

Are you sure you gave the right  answer to the given problem??????????????

I think the least we can do is to define the right answer 

@+ ;-(


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@novice85, you must give your vote (answer that helped you) to @gt22.

It's important to respect the forum's charter.

"To give you the best answer, the answer of the user who helped you" is the least we can do! In this case the one from gt22.

Except you have designated YOUR answer as the best. This is not the case.

In addition, designating the correct "Best Answer" consists of:

1- To thank the person who took the time to look into your problem

2- To allow you to quickly visualize the right answer in case another person is facing the same problem as you.

3- Increase the point counter of the person in question (even if we don't do it anymore for that!).

Kind regards


Sorry, it's just that I clicked too fast and not in the right place (my PC crashed in the meantime).

I just changed the "best answer".

Thank you again!

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On the other hand, for those who, like me, are in version prior to 2017 (SW2015 in this case), there is no way to know how this problem was solved.

@GT22: A little explanation please:) (I don't necessarily need this manipulation, just out of curiosity)

Hello @gt22

Quite remarkable!

It is a real textbook case that should be put in the Annals of the forum.

It's a pity that there is no ranking of the best solved subjects because this one would meet at least five criteria.

1°) answered the problem very simply

(1a) Originality of the reply

2°) Solving the problem by an unknown solution from the online help.

3°) flexibility for the focus by the control of the curve (possibly by an Excel curve).

4°) speed of response, coupled with speed of implementation for a quasi-novice.

4bis) Well-documented and easily replicable solution

Brief!   RESPECT ;-)

PS: Thank you @Jmsavoyat for the very salutary reframing.