Custom Property Posting in Welded Part List (Part within Part)

Hi all 

I have a problem with Soldiworks 2020 SP5, which I didn't have before,

Previously, on 2018, I had the option to put a part in a part and choose the transfer of custom properties via the checkmark which goes well when I inserted the part  to the welded parts list. The properties were therefore non-editable and linked to the original part.

In 2020 this is no longer possible, when I check the function, no property is reported.

The funny thing is that if I take a file created in 2018, and add a part in 2020, the properties are copied.
I don't understand anything anymore! Has anyone ever had the problem?

Thank you in advance,

The option does exist in Sw2020 SP5.0:


Indeed the option does exist, and it works to copy in the properties of the file, but no, when I activate the copy in the properties of the list of welded parts!
Really very strange

For my part it seems to work:

Is your sheet metal part recent?

Do you have a sheet metal file (1) or directly the sheet metal function(2)?

If 2 it may explain why it does not recover the properties on old parts.

I think I've found why it's crazy, but not how to solve the problem
Here is the procedure for adding it, which has always worked

And here's the problem, at some point, without really knowing when, one of the added parts fails, with a reconstruction icon, from the moment it is at fault, everything is messing up, I'm good to delete it and redo all the parts integrated in the part.
Here is a view of the problem, it seems that it is the plans that are messing up.

The solution could possibly be to not import the plans during the integration.
To be continued... But it can ruin a file all the same, there is

Edit, photo No2 in hd:

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