Thread Representation with Configurations on SW2015 SP5.0

Hi all

Currently on SW2015 SP5.0, I am experiencing problems with the thread representation on a part

Having configurations, I enter the different lengths I need unfortunately SW does not follow

See Random Interpretation of the Software

For the thread representation I use the edge or the face and same problem

I saw that there is a fix for this problem but 2016 version is there this fix for the 2015 version

Or maybe a correction to be made in SW options

Thank you in advance for your answers



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I follow this subject too,

because we have screws with the bug of the thread representation (shaded) which bugs, SW2016 SP5.0

I had tried to activate "save config data" for all configs, with re-editing of the table, and ctrl+Q (during crtl+Q) the thread becomes "ok" again.

(edit: in addition "activate cfg" it unnecessarily inflates the file size! but I had tried just in case)

But in use, after a while, the representation seems to bug again...

If anyone has a solution?


"May the dark side be with you. "


Edit: it's basically a 2014 file, which was converted in 2016

We had the same concerns and we were just told that it was the SPR 383315 unfortunately I don't know if we can access the details of this SPR number

I just changed the thread lengths for each configuration by manually changing the dimension, it seems to work and in my part family configuration table the values followed, does it mean that setting a part family by excel no longer works on sw2015?

No, it's just a bug of the "shaded thread representation" that bugs with the configs + part family....

Already present in the old Solidworks from memory, 2014, 2012, 2010, etc... (see already present before?)

And maybe with 2016.


But the problem can also come from the file, because it was created in an earlier version, then converted, but drags the bug in the file in spite of itself...

And completely redoing screw files, we don't really have the time to do it, or the desire...

in addition to the problem of a different internal file ID, which may be a problem in ASMs...