Schematic representation

Hi all!


I'm working on a personal project. I have to do some trajectory calculations.


So I went through the schematic representation module. But at a certain stage, movements become impossible.


Do you know if, first, this is the right method to calculate my trajectories, and second, do you know the limit of this module? Has anyone here ever worked with it, if so, was it a big assembly?


Thanks in advance;)

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Hi Bart

Have you watched this tutorial

@+ ;-))

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Hi, I've already tried this module without really getting hooked and I don't know if it's used a lot, we use 2D sketches for movements on the we show or hide if needed.
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For my part, I do the cam calculations directly with sketches and diagrams in Inventor. So I think I join the idea of gt22...



That's the question I was asking myself.


What is the difference between a 2D sketch made in a room, and a schematic representation?

in schematic representation

you create blocks so 2D parts

that are completely independent of each other

So you can multiply them, constrain them via axle lines etc..

and create x movement with

measure the races if it answers etc...

and recreate your pieces via these blocks

but it also has its limits..........:-)

@+ ;-))

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In a classic sketch, I can also insert blocks and constrain them, right?


I think the problem of slowness comes from the fact that I don't use a block but sketches...


I'm trying with blocks, what do I tell you;)

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Have you looked at the tutorial posted above?

@+ ;-))


No, not yet, I watch it as soon as I have a moment...


The rest is probably in it =)