Solve all components


I have an assembly on SolidWorks, it's made up of several parts and other subassemblies.

This assembly is parameterized and must open automatically to be calculated.

However, when it opens, its components are lightened. How do I set up this assembly (or solidworks) so that my assembly opens systematically with all its components resolved?

Thank you in advance.

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Options Tools / Assembly.

Changes the value to go to complex assembly: 500 by default.

Kind regards


or Options / Performance

Kind regards




I have the same problem, but in my SW the value of 500 is effective, except that the loaded assembly is always lighter!

However, according to your screenshot I notice the lack of the last options you have and that I don't have in my SW!!




What version is used? I'm on 2013 SP5.

Try checking both boxes in Options/Performance. Those highlighted in my previous message.

Kind regards.

Tools, Option, Performance, Automatically Load Lightweight Components

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Tools, Option, Performance, Automatically Load Lightweight Components

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I'm still on the 2012 version.


I'll attach the screenshots of the toolbox as well as the assembly.


I activate the options mentioned in The C.E. and then I restart my SW, but when I open the assembly I still have the same problem of the lighter parts


you right click on the assembly

set the resolved parts as lightweight

set the parts lightened as solved if you click there all your parts will be solved


if you have already changed what you have been told + above


@+ ;-)


By clicking B.Right on the assembly tree to solve the parts, all the assembly resolves, except by closing the assembly, after saving, it opens in light mode, and this poses a big problem for me for the calculation on Ansys.


  1. Browse to the desired assembly document, select the Advanced check box under Configurations , and click Open.

  2. In the Configure Document dialog box, select one of the following options:

  • New configuration showing all referenced models. This option opens the entire assembly. The components are all resolved and shown, regardless of their status of deletion and visibility at the last save. All components appear in the assembly model.

  • New configuration showing only the structure of the assembly. This option opens only the assembly structure. Components are deleted, regardless of their state when they were last saved. None of them will appear in the assembly template until you change their status from deleted to resolved.

  1. Enter a new Configuration Name and click OK.

Why do you want to close the assembly

and how it changes for another program

If I understood correctly, lightened it's only the visual that is lightened, your room is there


Here's my solution:

On solidworks 2012 sp 5.0


Uncheck the use of complex assembly mode (in System/Performance options)

And always solve everything in System/Assembly options.


See screenshot.

Thank you for your contributions!

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THANK YOU fpinheiro, your solution works perfectly.


Thank you to everyone for your invistissement.






There is also the simple solution in the open fan, it is possible to choose the Light or Resolute opening mode.

I think it's less "dangerous" than saying all the time resolved mode or light mode, it depends a lot on what you want to do.

For my part, I choose at the time of opening.



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