Find the dimensions of a profile in a size


I have created a 40x40x2 tube shelf in welded construction, to put it simply, when I add a bill of materials in my drawing, I would like to have this data, but I only have the type of tube, i.e. square tube NF EN 10219, (library of mechanically welded profile , that I created, to learn how to use solidworks).

Is it possible to retrieve the nominal dimensions of the tubes in a bill of materials? Once the nomenclature is formatted, how do we keep this formatting for next time.

Thank you for your help


Good evening

on your mechanically welded tube profile, you need to modify the property which today tells you "NF tube... " To write "Tube 40x40x2" and save. The next time you use this profile, in a welded construction, the text will be good.

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Good evening

If I have understood correctly, I have to open the^properties of mechanically welded tube and modify it, according to what I wish. But if I change the type of profile for this shelf, for example I go to 50x50x2, the value will remain in 40x40x2, right? or I am mistaken.

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Well, I don't know your level, so I'll try to be complete.

When you go into the weld module, and you select a size, you use a tube profile sketch. This sketch is stored in a particular file. All of these files are stored in a folder architecture that you can locate by going from Tools/Options/File Location/Welded Build Profiles.

In its own library, each pipe profile file has its correctly populated description property.

So if you make your part in 40x40x2, the nomenclature displays this size. If you go back to 3D and select the 50x50x2 tube size, your BOM will update on its own.

Is it clearer? :)

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I forgot to tell you, the welded construction profile files are sldlfp.

Wow, my level  would be beginner,

When I created the library, I created a sketch and I created a part family from that sketch.

In my mechanically welded elements, I have Standard "Square tube NF EN 10219"

Type: configured Profile: "Tube carré NF EN 10219 - configured"

Then Size" Square Tube 40x40x2"

I suspect that in the solidworks nomenclature just inserts the standard.

I went back to the profile library and made the property of a profile, and I have the description property filled in correctly, namely square tube 40x40x2, which is why I don't understand that in the nomenclature it is marked square tube NF EN 10219



Which version of Solidworks are you on?


If I understand correctly, you want to make a flow list of all your tubes.


There are several solutions available to you.


The one you are trying, but you would have to combine your "configured profile" with an excel. This tutorial explains all this in detail. Be careful, it has to be 2014 for this to work.


Otherwise, you have a second solution which for me is more affordable when you are a beginner.


That of doing profile by profile as was done before Solidworks 2014.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate =)







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So at the level of your nomenclature, which property is recovered.

And another point, do you go through configurations? It seems to me that profile sldlfps can be managed without it (or an evolution of SW that I missed....). You need as many files as there are profiles. Yes I know it's laborious, but someone could mail you  a whole library here, asking "please" ;). This would give you a good starting point.

A detail to know, valid for all files (parts or assemblies) the system looks first at the properties of the configuration, if it is empty, SW will take the value of the document. So in your case, if the Description property in the "Custom Properties" tab is set to "40x40x2" and in the "Configuration Properties" tab it is set to "NF standard tube", it is this second value that will be found in the nomenclature.

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Good evening Bart,

Thank you benoit and bart  for your time, but I think I know where my mistake comes from:

In my family of parts that I created there is a description property i.e. "Square tube NF EN 10219" and a designation that is not a property : "Square tube 40x40x2", and I think my mistake comes from that. There is confusion. Thank you Benoit for this info on the properties. The question remains how to reverse the two.

But as Benoit LF says so well, if there is a charitable soul for a library, I thank him in advance.

Thank you Bart for the tutorial I'm going to watch tomorrow to learn more. I'm on Solidworks 2014 (My boss put this in our hands thinking that we are all lights). But hey, it's good to manage on your own , but fortunately there are well-structured forums like this one.

I'm going to try to figure it out, and I'll see if I can get anything done


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Re friends (if you will allow me),

I corrected my mistake, by wanting to put too much information, I made a mistake.

Now I have a nomenclature that seems suitable to me, I would like to keep it for next time, is there a way to save the said nomenclature somewhere?

Thank you for your info once again

"Friends", so many familiarities... I'm fine with that! :)

To save the bill of materials (from memory), open your drawing that contains it, point to it and make a File/save-as.


see this tutorial in addition to the one given by @ Bart (creation of library profile) and the info given by @ Benoit

it's all up to you

@+ ;-))


You're welcome, the method I gave you by tutorial has been working since 2014 and it's really the best solution.


Then when your table is set up, you just have to right click save as indicated by our friend Benoit


You wanted a profile library, right?

 Here =) (Given my connection to work, I'm only giving you part of it)



 Thank you all for your information, the tutorial and for the library.

I'm going to follow the gt22 tutorial closely.

Killer question, since you have all worked me out of my way, I don't really know which answer would be best suited to the question; So is it possible to reward you all?

Have a nice day


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The best answer is mine............ Ouch not the head Bart and gt22 ouch... :)

More seriously, it's up to you to see which one is the most suitable. At the very least, you can put +1s to useful answers. This will always be a good thing for the help provided.

Good luck, if you have any doubts ask @Clémentine in PM.


it's not the library that allows you to give the length of the profiles in mechanical welding

The library allows you to choose the profiles once created

but well and well the mechanic welding (welded construction)

via its nomenclature and these referencings

@+ ;-))