Inserted part body rotation

On SW14,

I inserted a part with 2 bodies (a commercial box and its lid) in a room (to make a trade-in).

I wanted to "open" the lid (in the part recovered) with a body rotation operation and I get 2 original things:

- it's the 2 bodies that rotate (as if SW considered that the inserted part is a single body while the shaft displays 2)

- The rotation operation has been added to the "part insert" function and can only be deleted and not destroyed.


Bug, bad handling, unintended use of the function ?


To illustrate, here is a screenshot of the model tree:

- the first body-unpalcing/copying function corresponds to the initial positioning of the inserted part

- The next 2 functions are the rotation functions.

Why 2, because I launched the command once and as nothing had happened, I thought I had missed a step and started again.

It was when I wanted to make a cut on one of the sides that I realized that the piece had moved.




It looks like your body-move/copy function is not well placed in your building tree.

It would have to be below your imported parts and in the imported part.


I tried it and it works! :/

I inserted a multi-body part into a part and I was able to move just one body, selecting THIS body well and not the whole import function. Is this the explanation? The "Body-Move/Copierx" function is located well after the insert function and not in it.

I'm in SW13 SP4.

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I think the easiest way is to create an assembly of your imported volume body

so 2 parts

a cover and, a case with their own ref 0 46 91 C, 0 46 91 B

which will allow you to play with the lid as you see fit

The option to turn in the tree of your multibody room may put the souk in the place since the same basic ref

at least that's what I think

@+ ;-))

@Frederic: it's the system that puts them there...

@GT22: the simplest, of course, the most reliable certainly. But that's just to illustrate.

@Benoit, I select only the lid, by the way the preview works well (see screenshot)


We'll wait for more tests...


If it's for an illustration then for a visual why?

Do not make an assembly of 2 pieces double-sided on the pivot axis

and suppress useless faces

or as said before an assembly and pivot function on the axis

@+ ;-))

To get out of this rut, make a circular repetition of the "lid" body, then remove (function) the original body (by the folder of the volume bodies).

But it's clearly a bug!

The funniest thing is that with Benoit's solution: it  only duplicated the lid even if after removing the closed lid, it remains a ghost. Ghost that only appears in 3D and not in MEP!

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I'm digging up this topic because I have exactly the same problem with my version of solidworks 2014 sp1... while everything was going very well under SW 2013 sp5.

Do you have a solution to propose (particular parameter to fix) or is it really a bug?

Thank you

For 2 years, I haven't come back and have been satisfied with Benoit's solution.

Rereading the thread, we see that it's in the 2013-2014 transition that there is something: Benoit does his tests with SW2013 and it works correctly, with SW2014 I have the problem.