Rotating Text in Solidworks Sketching

Hello hello.


A very very stupid question, but one that bothers my life a lot at the moment.


How do you orient a text in a sketch before extrussion?

I would like to rotate my text (see image) about 125°. And I don't see how to do that at all

Hello, you need to draw a line and select this line to place the text when editing (the first box in the property manager when editing the text).


In the sketch, draw a construction line at the desired angle and edit the text (by double-clicking on it). Select the stroke and your text will land on it.


Haaaan, but it's so simple too. I was off with the right click rotation ... but it doesn't work great (or even not at all!)


Well, I'm going back to hide in my tavern covered in shame.


Thank you so much guys


And why not my answer that I had posted before?

.PL, I have the impression that you are talking about the choice of the best answer? Since it's not specified in your text, I'm only guessing about it.


So I would answer you that it's not because an answer is asked the 1st that it is necessarily the clearest. If I thank you for the answer you formulated, Benoit.LF's helped me the most in solving my problem (good description of the actions to be done, coherent chronology, etc)

I know that your two answers are similar, and that it's all just a matter of feelings. It is a shame not to be able to give a "better answer" to everyone and unfortunately we have to make a choice.


Anyway, I'm sure you're not coming here to race for points. But only for the pleasure of participating in a community, bringing your knowledge when possible and asking for help from users when you encounter difficulties.