Rotation seen by right click

Hi all 


I was wondering if it was possible to assign the right click for the rotation of the view instead of the center wheel. 
It's so much less tiring on Rhino to use the right click for rotation and zoom that I wish I had the same setup on Solidworks. 

I saw on the internet that I was not the only one looking, but I haven't found any solution for the moment. 

I hope I'll have more luck here =)

Thank you for your help, 

Have a nice day

You can change this in Tool - Customize - Mouse Movement.

You then search in the display category, you take the Rotation command and you assign the right click for parts, assemblies...


On the other hand, you have to see if it doesn't pose a problem for other shortcuts.



Yes I used this solution to start, 

But the problem is that you first have to right-click , drag to the "right" (depending on the chosen movement) and rotate with the left click afterwards. 
Or in other words, you have to select the command with the right click before using the command with the left click. 

It's not as simple as just holding down the right click for rotations (on Rhino it's even possible to translate and zoom using right click + SHIFT or CTRL). 

On SW, it's the Middle button to rotate, CTRL+Middle button to translate, and SHIFT + Middle button to zoom

Right-clicking is reserved for context menus and mouse movements

Kind regards.

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Yes, change of software, change of habit. :)


It's not so much a matter of habit, I've been working every day on SW for a few years. 

But it's such a joy to go back to Rhino from time to time and have this feature that I wish I had done the same thing on SW.