Backing up Solidworks files in IFC


For external sharing, I need to save a Solidworks assembly as an IFC file.
To do this, I made a save under and chose IFC but it doesn't work.
I don't have an IFC file in the end but just an err log .txt file saying:

SolidWorks Corporation - IFC Processor Error Log

                   IFC Post Processor

IFC File Name: C:\Users\J1077147\Downloads\UM011-FER-RT-000. IFC

Do you have a solution for this problem?

I would like to point out that importing IFC into Solidworks works perfectly.

Thank you in advance.


It can be a piece that doesn't export well.
To try it, draw a simple cube and do an Ifc export.
If it works, it probably comes from your assembly that has a problem (one or more recalcitrant parts for example.)
This has already happened to me with another format and the only solution I had found was to proceed by elimination (removal of half of the assembly → test if ok I test the other half... Otherwise in my half I delete half of it. Etc etc.
Index of parts in surface in other formats are often the reason for eport problem.

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Set the exit option to BREP