Scanned 3D Faro

I am looking for experienced users for advice, concerning 3D surveys (point cloud)  and cloud analysis in CloudCompare or Geomagic for example.

Thank you in advance for your answers and advice


What is the question exactly?


The problem: surveying a high-traffic road (impossible access due to traffic) before drilling horizontally under it for pipe passage (2 diameter of 400mm)

then in 6 months a new comparative statement

The passage of this borehole is "visible" from a bridge located about 20m-25m away

I already have several questions at this level.

Do we necessarily have to geolocate landmarks (FARO spheres) or can we do a survey without geolocation but in a "local" landmark?

Material used: FAROx130 scanner with sphere as a reference for cloud assembly

Once the cloud is assembled locally or geolocated, does the fact that it is geolocated change the accuracy of the device's measurements?

.. I know it's a lot of questions but I still have plenty of them (my client doesn't understand, and finally neither do I in front of so many questions)

Regarding the accuracy: the FAROx130 scanner according to the manufacturer takes measurements up to 130m with an accuracy of +- 2.5mm or even 3mm but good at this distance

What do we mean by precision and measurement noise on the scanner, I have my idea but I could be wrong (if I scan an object at 30m it will be positioned at 30.0025 - 29.9975 for accuracy)  and if my object is 15cm x 15cm the measurement noise would make me believe that it is 15.08x16.03 for example.

my client to test to check the quality of an example reading... in AutoCAD! and he tells me that the measurement accuracy is 5 to 10mm in the thickness of the cloud (measurement noise)

If I use a reconstruction software like Geomagic or CloudCompare, what will the software do about the measurement noise?....

well I'll stop there for the moment it's bcp...

If you have been confronted with such a question is there a particular workflow, software.. I don't know what to answer and what to say, knowing that each time he tells me that the accuracy is not enough, yet the scanner on the example reading has run nearly 45 minutes per station (30 million points per station, 7 stations in total)

I'm not sure anyone can answer here, it's really very specific.

Maybe we should see if there is a forum in English, or dermander directly to the manufacturer.

thank you all the sameI'll keep looking

Maybe you can try to contact MadMax (, who is passionate about 3D scanning:

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